Strategic Decision Support Framework

 This will first consist of a 7-step LS3 model, which will provide a roadmap for the development of LS3s within the REGINA project. It has seven components, providing step-by-step guidance to the local authorities. Near the completion of the REGINA project a Handbook for Practitioners will be developed based on the experiences of each Local Partner developing their LS3. Combined with the 7-step LS3 model this will guide other municipalities seeking to implement an LS3 in the future.

The working material can be found on the project website:

Demographic Foresight Model

 This will apply forecasts of population and development depending on different scenarios and policies through an excel-based model and associated guidance. Combined with guidance for qualitative analysis of local labour market issues, this will provide an evidence base to suggest ideas and initiatives for the recruitment of a new labour force, as well as strategies for improving the competence and capacity of existing ones. It will recommend good practice regarding integration of new labour forces into local communities.

The working material can be found on the project website:

Social Impact Management Planning Toolbox

Will provide a suite of tools and guidance to lead local planners through the steps required to build strategies for balancing social concerns with industrial development of natural resource industries. The tools will focus on involving diverse local stakeholders to identify and monitor social impacts of natural resource-based activities, both at the project level and also in connection with local and regional land use planning.

The working material can be found on the project website:

Local Benefit Analysis Toolbox

To support the retention of local benefits through localised supply chains and new forms of smart specialisation that respond to local spill-over opportunities presented by new industrial activities. It will consist of a suite of advice, analytical tools, and good practice examples that guide local decision makers through a step-by-step analysis of the local/regional supply chain impacts and spread effect opportunities. This includes a specific theoretical framework, data collection procedures, analysis tools, and guidelines for intervention.

The working material can be found on the project website: